André Kirsebom - Spiritual Teacher - Healer - Medium
Seminars and education:
we offer live seminars and web-based education within healing and mediumship.
My seminars are posted on the website under "Utdannelse".
André Kirsebom
Andre Kirsebom
DSNU Healer and CSNU Medium. Minister in the Norwegian Spiritualist Church
President of the Norwegian Spiritualist Church and Norwegian Spiritualist Union. ( and
CSNU (dhst) as Demonstrator, Healer, Public Speaker and Teacher in healing and mediumship from SNU i England.
DSNU (HSTAB) as Healer, Public Speaker, Teacher in Healing, Advanced Spiritualism og Basic Spiritualism.
International teacher in mediumship and healing. Teaching in Estland, Spain and England at the Barbanell centre
of the SNU.
I have my education from schools and courses from England, Norway and Sweden
In England I have attended many practical courses in spirituality, healing, mediumship and philosophy at the Arthur Findlay Collage and the Arthur Findlay Centre which is under the SNU, Spiritualist National Union.
I also have a MBA in business administration, spesializing in entrepreneurship.
I have been working full time as a medium, healer and course organizer from 2005. I work as the President of the Norwegian Spiritualist Church and the Norwegian Spiritualist Union.
Before I started my spiritual work, I worked many years in marketing and management. Much of my work i did in Telecom, service and in the tourist industry.
I have written and published five books and five meditations CD.
Meditation CD's: Two on mediumship, two on healing and one on personal development and self-confidence.
Mediumship in theory and practice
Healing in theory and practice
Healers Secrets
A spiritual life - Spirituell theory and practice
De Priviligerte,- The Privileged, a spiritual crime novel
André Kirsebom has been writing two series of articles for the magazine "Medium" since 2015. This is the largest spiritual magazine in Norway.
He has also written articles for the magazine "Spiritualisten" since 2010.
TV and podcast:
I have participated in many TV and podcast n Norway. Some of them are:
- På tro og Are, TV series
- Norge bak fasaden, TV series
- Ikke spør om det. - TV series
- Dødsvarslene - Podcast
Whenever we meet people it is important that we create a winn/winn situation. After the meeting both should feel that they had a good experience. This also include a potential Third party that the meeting will affect.
Andre Kirsebom, - Spiritual Minister and spiritual adviser