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André Kirsebom - Spiritual Teacher - Healer - Medium
Seminars and education:
we offer live seminars and web-based education within healing and mediumship.
My seminars are posted on the website under "Utdannelse".
Seminars and education
I offer live seminars and web-based education within healing and mediumship.
My seminars are in general posted on the website under the heading "Utdannelse".
Topics of special interest:
- Healer´s Secrets
- How to become a better healer.
- Healing en science
- The 25 best healers of all times.
- Healers and their Guides.
- Physical healing & Physical mediumship
- Mental mediumship
- Trance mediumship
- Spiritual House Clearing.
- Spiritualism as a religion.
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